We improve the confidence of road users
by securing the vehicle history
CodeNekt is the first application for individuals and businesses that facilitates vehicle maintenance and interactions between automotive services.
CodeNekt 📲 App
The All In One app of the automobile
Why do you need to install the 100% free CodeNekt app?
✅ to centralize all your car info in one place
✅ to avoid losing your maintenance documents
✅ to secure your car history
✅ to avoid scams when buying a used car
The SaaS app
for car fleet managers
Simple. Fast. Thought for VSEs-SMEs
Why manage your fleet with the CodeNekt app?
✅ to save time (information is updated in real time via your employees’ mobile app)
✅ for an easy to understand interface
✅ to secure the maintenance of your car fleet (tamper-proof data)
✅ for employees more involved in the maintenance of their car
Behind the CodeNekt app,
Web3 innovation associated with NFTs
We create a unique NFT of each vehicle. This NFT is powered by the CodeNekt app. This NFT secures the data and therefore the history of the vehicle.